
Showing posts from August, 2022

Connected Aircraft Squadron Electrocardiographic Sign (Yasser Sign); An Index for Tachypnea in Specific T-Wave Abnormalities- A New Diagnostic, Therapeutic, and Prognostic Sign; Retrospective-Observational Study

Tachypnea is a well-known clinical symptom. Specific electrocardiographic T-wave changes during tachypnea are a crucial point in the decision. The new sign is a constellation of the T- waves changes in special leads. There are three types were prescribed. The types have classified either base on an interaction between lead I and II, or aVL and aVR or V1 and V2. Hyperventilation syndrome, left bundle branch block, left ventricular strain, and Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome was common inducers. Read more about articles: Read more  Lupine Publishers Google Scholar   articles:

Ethnopharmacological Studies of Aloe Vera for the Management of Eczema Followed by Molecular Techniques through Metabolomics & Novel Drug Delivery System

Eczema is skin very serious skin disease of skin inflammation that causes the skin to become itchy, red, swollen and painful. It is also called as Atopic dermatitis usually developed on early stage of children in India 10 million cases per year is observed. Atopic dermatitis is also passed one general to next generation & the treatment is self-diagnosable lab test or Imaging not required. Eczema developed with allergies such as asthma, cold sores etc. It usually starts on the face followed by the hands and feet. Older children tend to be affected in the elbow and knee creases, neck, wrists, ankles and feet. Genetic mutations that affect the skin’s barrier function Immune system dysfunction causing an unwanted inflammatory response in the skin. Certain substances or conditions called trigger factors can cause eczema to flare (ie: become worse). Trigger including such as Irritants such as soaps and detergents, wool, skin infections, dry skin, low humidity, heat, sweating or emotional...

Stem Cells Therapeutics for Infertility: The Future Perspectives in African Countries

Globally infertility is evidently recognized as of public health concern especially in African countries. In African societies human reproduction is highly valued and inability to conceive is considered a personal tragedy and a curse for couples, impacting on the entire family and local community. Stem cells are the new technique in this era against many diseases and disorders. The paper reviewed scientific related literature on the effectiveness of stem cells therapeutics in the management of infertility and its associated challenges especially in African society.  Various studies employed nonrandomized clinical trials on evaluating the effectiveness of stem cells therapy in the management of infertility and its associated challenges. Read more about articles: Read more  Lupine Publishers Google Scholar arti...