Psychopathological Research by Children, Teenagers and Great Adolescents with Dysharmonic Features of the Personality’s Spectrum of Entangled Borderline with Dissocial Comportment Leading to Transgressive Acts, Sometimes in an Antisocial Register

This clinical and psychopathological research is conducted after 40 years of experience in pedo- psychiatric practice, notably in institutional care and as a judicial and administrative expert. In a changing society, even in mutation, both in socio-familial and economical and technological fields, the conditions of exchange, the aim or even the sense of the work- also although human relationships, existential modalities - can cause stumbling blocks on the construction or building of identity.The children, the teenagers, the great adolescents are confronted with new ethical and deontological standards and benchmarks, attractive requests, while they are at the age of experiences, even adventures, in case of failures of the symbolic and poverty of the imaginary. So this way, they can be brought to inappropriately rushing into real through actions sometimes incongruous, transgressive, even deviant, sometimes deadly, all the more so as the latency phase has shrunk a lot, or even faded and that the pubertal period no longer takes place under the same conditions of naive quest.

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